Living Waters Spanish welcomes people of all faiths and backgrounds to classes and mission trips, provided they are not contentious about matters of faith during class time or on mission trips, so time is spent learning Spanish and serving people. It's great to discuss questions of faith, so long as we keep with the purpose of the classes and mission trips.
Statement of Faith
Statement of Faith
- We believe there is one God, eternally existent in three persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. (Genesis 1:1, Matthew 28:19, John 10:30).
- We believe in the deity of Christ (John 10:33); His virgin birth (Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:23, Luke 1:35); His sinless life (Hebrews 4:15, Hebrews 7:26); His miracles (John 2:11); His vicarious and atoning death (I Corinthians 15:3, Ephesians 1:7, Hebrews 2:9); His resurrection (John 11:25, I Corinthians 15:4), His ascension to the right hand of the Father (Mark 16:19), His personal return in power and glory (Acts 1:11, Revelation 19:11).
- We believe that all people sin and can be saved only by God’s grace through faith in Christ crucified and raised from the dead (Romans 3:23, Ephesians 2:8-9, I Corinthians 15:1-5), that such are justified freely through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus (Romans 3:24, Ephesians 1:7), that unless one is born again, of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God (John 3:3-7), that repentance is an essential part of true faith (Mark 1:15, Luke 13:3-5, Acts 20:21), that immersion in water is God’s intended outward way of demonstrating one’s inward faith and repentance and the union with Christ that results (Matthew 28:19-20, Acts 2:38, Romans 6:1-4).
- We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost, they that are saved unto the resurrection of life, and they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation. (2 Thessalonians 1:8-9, John 5:29).
- We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in the Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 8:9, I Corinthians 12:12-13, Galatians 3:26-28).
- We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life (Romans 8:13-14, I Corinthians 3:16, I Corinthians 6:19-20, Ephesians 4:30, Ephesians 5:18).
- We believe the Bible is the inspired, and only infallible and authoritative Word of God. (II Timothy 3:15, II Peter 1:21).
- We believe that Christians’ top priorities are to love the Lord with all our being, and love our neighbor as ourselves, and seek to make disciples of the Lord Jesus in all the world (Matthew 22:36-40, Matthew 28:18-20).